Friday, July 31, 2009

GO WOLFPACK! wait, i mean, uhhh... TOBS!


i spent wednesday night wiff muh best fraaaan! and lemme tell you. nothing makes life better than going to a baseball game, becoming friends with the usher, and eatting ice cream at 2 am, and just laughing yourself crazy with your best friend. it makes errrrything better! and, sleeping til 11 cause you CAN, and eatting BREAKFAST at 1 cause thats what you wanna do, then playing cards wiff your ovverr fam-wey.

AAAAND, i'm leaving today to go to lake gaston w/ skinny wanda, katharine, emily, waddles, maria, and AMY EWIZABEFF! <---, aka, the best fraaand.

&we're still waiting on kathryn's baby...

SO. get at meeeeee :D