Friday, June 26, 2009

aunt audrey

hey guys.. we just got this email about my great-aunt.

"Hospice has been called in for Mama. She has indicated that she is tired and is ready to go.
She is still on a trach, kidneys aren't working , her blood pressure is 86\42, she is bleeding internally and she is exhausted. She is at peace with her decision and we meet with the hospice team here at NHRM at 1pm today. They plan to move her from ICU to the 3rd floor Hospice.
Her surgeon said if they skip dialysis, she would have just a few days.
She has fought a tough fight and we all agree to honor her wishes.
Just wanted to let you know."

please keep our family in your prayers as we brace another death.




  1. Thinking of you guys. Be strong - we're never given more than we can handle.
    You know I'm here for ya if you need anything.

  2. awh, thank you SO much!

    obviously, mom cannot, LITERALLY, cannot go. so dad & i will prolly just go for the visitation tonight. i don't think ANY of us, even myself &dad, could handle a funeral. so yeah.

    but i REALLY appreciate it, more than you know.

    thank you, SO much. xoxo
