Tuesday, May 19, 2009

& breathe, just breathe..

hey peoples. so. title of this blog is from anna nalik's song, breathe. i've been listening to it alot lately. cause, thats all we can do. is just breathe. no matter whats going on, you just gotta take it all in stride. day by day. & when day by day doesn't work, hour by hour. sometimes minute by minute. and when that's too much, second by second. trust me. i've done them all this past week.

i've had so much going on, and one thing kinda resolved itself, after an explantion, but i don't know. i know it can never be the same. because she honestly thought i would do that.. and i can't believe she thought i would. THAT hurts. that she thinks i would betray her... so its just kinda like, we're 'friends' again now, but i know it can never be the same. oh well.

anddddd we passed the one month mark of mrs. julia's death.. and its still SO hard. i see things that remind me of her everyday... anddddd it just sucksss. i miss her so much. but i have my cross <3

monday night.. ohhhhhhh dear goodness. it was amazing. and beautiful. and i cried and cried. it was the perfect ending. but. what do i do now? seriously ; its over. i can't believe it. i don't know what ima do now.... i feel like mu life now has no meaning. gahhh. but me&annie&sheena&tina&amy&kc&heather&MAYGEN will get through somehow. another. i really don't know how, but, well yeah i do. cause sheena is ganna write some KICK A$$ stories. [no pressure babe] SO. and maygen is going to post MY STORY. [i think i've been waiting my whole life for it.]

so yeahhhhh. && of course the whole 'faling otu of the swing/getting stitches/no cute dr.' thing.. yeah. lol.

alrighteyyyy folks (: enjoy (:

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