Thursday, May 21, 2009

owwie. &best fraaaands!

hey mannn.

so. i'm really sore from riding. and idk why, i'm never, EVER sore. i just am. that miiiight be cause i pushed parker into his attempt to long trot, and i dropped my stirrups and posted. yeah, smart. it felt really good though. like, i acutally ENJOY posting w/o stirrups.. idk why. anyway.

stitches. OWWW! omg, they hurtttt. and my lip is soooo soreeee, ughhh! its just like, fmlllllll.

i gots to talk to danielllllle today in line @ the pizza place. and lemme tell you. my girl kicked some MAJOR *butt at region 10 ; yeahhh mannnn. :D wooo. i wish i would have been there :( anyway, her boyyyyyfran is so sweet. && i love talking to her cause she makes me smile. &everySINGLE time i listen to 'boom boom pow' i remember everrrrrything that happened @ district V (: anddd i smile. yesssums.

i misses her, and i want to see her SOON.

so. there. i updated. happy? haha.

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