Friday, May 22, 2009


woo. today's fridayyyyy! yay. :D

so. so far, its 4:46, and i have rode parker, bathed parker, clipped parker, banded parker, cleaned the trailer, sync-ed my phone to my PC, ordered the bday cake, and took a shower. oh, responded to sheena's email, and read a couple of chapters that were updated. i'm freaking beatttt. i mean, i rode parker for a good hour or so, and then i took the bridle off and we walk for another 15 minutes. and parker was better than yesterday, but he still needed 'encouragement' from my legs... which means my knee is screwed. im ganna OD on ibuprofin or something, my word. oooowie. yeah. so now, im procrastination on drying my hair, then ima curl it since we're kinda having a bday supper for daddy at outback w/ greg&linda, & mickey&diane, so yeahhh. wish me luck... and oh! then i get to go put the slinkey on parker and feed him. thennnnn when i get home i get to pack for the beach. i need this vacay soo bad.
i just wish maygen could come
cause i want her here really bad.
&she does too.
&we could stalk hilarie together.
&burn in the sun together
&tear up the intercoaster waterway (:
&just be GiRLS.

but, i get to hang with jay&amy&robert&kam&rob&bethany&jack, sooo i guess thats my consolation prize. lol ; that should be, fun? a bunch of 20 yo's, and ME. yeahhhhh mannnn... lol.

okay. off to do... stuff.

i'll try and post my results for the show in the am, once i get down thur&all, wish me luck, lovers!

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