Friday, September 18, 2009


i do. i really really do.

and i give myself a complex.

for example.

if i don't talk to somebody for a few days, i freak out, and think they're superly pissed at me or something. so then, i replay EVERYTHING we've said within the past few days trying to analyze what i did to tick them off, or make them mad at me.

or, if somebody posts a tweet or blog or status update about somebody annoying them, or being selfish, or being a *itch, i like, freak out and think its about me and then beat myself over a thousand times.

then, i finally get to talk to that person, and they're not mad at me. they've just been REALLY busy. & i havne't screwed up this amazing relationship i have with that person.

talk about being relieved.

and i can finally breathe again.

like, the world is no longer on my shoulders. it feels SO good. even tho i've prolly added a few gray hairs from FREAKING out so much, but yeah.

its one of my many quirks. =)

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