Sunday, September 20, 2009

R.I.P. Bella

last night, around 1am, i got a terrifying phone call from Dan & Kristi saying that Bella died. it abs. broke my heart.

for those of you that don't know, Bella was a spotted draft horse. She was by far the friendliest giant you'll ever meet. she had no idea how big she was. she was truly a big ol' teddy bear. and her neck was, HUGE. in the winter, she was so much fun to sit on bareback and mess around, because she kept you warm! haha. she was so big, it was like sitting on a couch. and talk about being bow-legged when you got off! haha. bella's canter was HUGE. well i mean obviously, she was a draft horse, but it was sooooo different than any other canter i've ever ridden.

for the Bailey Christmas Parade 2 years ago, Sissy rode Bella, and I walked buddy, and they were parts of our float. that was definately really cool.

but she was just, a really really cool horse. SO gentle & sweet, but she would try to get her way sometimes too, so you would have to get on her a little bit.

but you'll never find another horse like her, and  I am so honored to have been able to ride her & know her, and I'm so thankful to say that she was the first draft horse I ever rode.

You'll forever live in my heart <3

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